an image of my children…each week of 2014.
by lee kriel
This year, I have been inspired to capture a portrait of my boys, one for each week of 2014. It has been a couple of years since I did my One Photo One Day blog as Instagram seems to have taken it's place. But with this personal project, I am hoping it will force me to use my camera more when it comes to my own family and not my iPhone.
I have explained my goal to my boys as it is not always easy to capture teenagers, and they have reluctantly agreed. I am hoping to capture them as candidly as possible but will sometimes ask them to sit as I did here this week.
Thanks for following along. xo.
sam, january 8, twenty fourteen 3:41 pm
charlie, january 8, twenty fourteen, 6:23 pm
jack, january 8, twenty fourteen, 6:55 pm