severn river

A River Series | Featuring Selah | 2017

A new series.  I have always loved the dark water just as the sun has gone beyond the horizon.  How the light dances on the ripples of black.  It has always been one of my favorite times to photograph my boys on the river. 

I was honored when Selah asked me to take her senior portraits and I knew she would be a beautiful candidate for this project.  Of course she was totally game when I explained my idea. I have always admired her confidence, her ability to push the envelope, her strength and most of all her intellect.  Here are just a few from our session (there were so many even before we got to the river that I will need another post later!).  Thank you Selah. xo


*Is this River Session something you could see yourself doing?  If so, message me at  The season is changing, the water not as warm, but come early summer, the conditions would be ideal.  

a family session | the miles 2014


Meet Kristine Miles.  One of the first times I ever remember meeting Kristine was when she was pregnant with her youngest.  Radiant and carrying so beautifully, she was always smiling and made pregnancy seem effortless.  After a few more times of seeing her, I noticed how she made others around her walk a little taller.  She always had something encouraging to say.  She is genuine.  And kind.  And she surfs.  In crazy places around the globe.  Enjoy getting to know her.  I know I have.

Q.  List a few of your boys favorite things to do….

A.  My boys enjoy time with their friends, playing sports and participating in the fun activities on the Severn River. They also love hanging out at home relaxing and playing many different types of games. We come up with the funniest games and laugh a lot.

Q.  What is your most humbling moment as a mother…

A.  When my children were born.

Q.  Who influences you as a mother?

A.  My mother influences me. She was the most amazing mother and person I have ever met.  I can't even begin to put into words how beautiful she was in ever way.

Q.  If you had more time, you would...  

A.  Spend more time talking with my family.

Q.  Best advice you have been given as a mom...

A.  You gave me the best advice Lee.  You told me to take as many photos of my children as I can, especially of their hands and feet because they grow so quickly. I love that advice. 

Q.  How did you create balance between motherhood and career? 

A.  I try to go with the flow each day and not worry too much. No matter how organized I am something unexpected comes up each day that changes my best laid plan. 

Q.  What is your beauty routine…

A.  Rest, good food, exercise, Obagi.

Q.  What is your exercise routine…

A.  I love many different types of exercise and decide each day what I'm in the mood for, whether it's running, paddle boarding, hiking, or lifting weights, etc. I do not like regular exercise routines.  I like to change things up because I get bored easily. I like my mind to exercise just as much as my body.

Q.  Something you wish you could do better as a mom….

A.  Teach my children many languages and show them more of the world.

Q.  What is your proudest moment as a mom…

A.  My proudest moment was being on the set of Fox 45 Morning New and watching my sons do the weather forecast live with Jonathan Meyers.  It was so much fun and I will never forget it. I loved every minute of it.

Q.  What is your favorite part of the day…

A.  Early morning before the world around me wakes.

Q.  What do you like to do on date nights?

A.  Our very favorite thing to do is to hang out at our house after the kids go to bed. We also enjoy going to dinner or playing sports with each other and with friends.

Q.  Raising boys is....

A.  Fun. They continually make me laugh and they are so gentle and lovable.

Q.  Favorite designers, artists, etc….

A.  I do not lock myself into favorites. My tastes continually change.

Q.  Your style…

A.  I buy what I love. I don't stick with one design or fashion theme. 

Q.  One of the hardest parts of being a mom? 

A.  Knowing my kids will be leaving the nest in a blink of an eye.

Q.  List a few things that keep you sane….

A.  Exercise, healthy eating, and reflection keep me sane, and my husband too. Also, I make it a practice to not over-commit myself or my family with too many activities.

Q.  What do you hope your children will learn about life….