honest motherhood

That Mom | Lauri Orders | Interior Designer


"that mom" is a series of inspirational women who

share their thoughts on motherhood, style and grace.

by lee kriel


Meet Lauri Orders. This mama of three opens up about her motherhood journey, gives us a glimpse of her beautiful home and swears by her design style to “Live with what you Love”. All of this while running her own design firm, By the Bay Design . Here I spent an afternoon last summer, soaking in her lifestyle and discussing her most treasured gifts, her children. I was immediately inspired as she appreciates that time is fleeting and these moments are cherished.

Tell me a little about your background.

I was born in England, moved back to U.S.A at 3 years old and have lived in 21012 since (minus my 10th grade year where I lived in Newport, R.I.). I am a product of AACPS and taught high school in the system at North County High School for 10 years before becoming a stay at home mom for 12 years and launching my own business By the Bay Designs.

What inspired you to do what you do?

I LOVE home design and décor and really wanted a profession that I could do from home and have flexible hours. Our kids live under our roof for such a short time in the large picture and I don’t want to miss anything when it comes to them.

What is something most don’t know about you?

Ummmm….I wish I would have had one more baby. Age caught me, BUT I am beyond blessed with 3 very healthy and happy children!

Tell us about your company and what a client can expect?

By the Bay Designs was inspired by waterfront living and the tranquility and beauty of the Chesapeake Bay. Clients can expect a professional and personal approach to making their home into something they love. My motto is “Live with what you Love”

Best part of being a mom?

The unconditional love you feel for your child is indescribable at times. Being a mom makes me a better person every day. Seeing the world again through the eyes of a child. I just wish it would slow down.

Hardest part?

Having them grow up at warp speed and seeing them hurt.

What does a typical day look like for you?

5:30 am alarm goes off, work out 6-7, 7-9 get kids ready for school, lunches/bus stop, once kids are gone straighten up around house, shower and work until 3:30/4, greet kids off of bus and start the afternoon shuttle to all the activities/sports, eat dinner 7-8ish with family, bed by 10ish, repeat!

What is your personal style? Your go-to staple pieces?

Casual!!! Jeans and boots in the winter, sundress and flip flops in the summer.

Your beauty routine? Favorite products? Shortcuts?

No real routine…I wash my face morning and night, put on eye cream and moisturizer with SPF always. My skin is in bad shape from all the sun damage growing up and being a product of the 80’s baby oil craze. My biggest vain regret ever. I really like EVER foundation and the product line.

Wellness and exercise routine?

I take an hour every single day to exercise. I lift weights and do cardio. It is a MUST for me daily!

What is the best parenting advice you have ever received?

Never say never! At the holidays do your own thing from the get go! You now have your own family and can start your own traditions.

Your children’s favorite toys/books? (Your favorite toys/books for them that keep you sane :)

Carter-Classic Book “Where the wild things are”, wooden construction truck set

Lizzie loved puzzles

Brookie loved Patty Cake

What is your philosophy when it comes to decorating?

Just as my mottos says, “Live with what you love!” Your home should be a reflection of you and what you love.

What is your favorite room in the house?

Not sure I can pick just one. I love Kitchens, Master Bedrooms and Bathrooms, Powder Rooms because they are a smaller space and my go to is always wallpaper in them for some FUN and Great Rooms. They are all fun and gorgeous spaces!!

Designers that inspire you?

Thibaut wallpaper and fabric is my go to!! LOVE it.

What are your favorite pieces of art/decor?

Anything coastal! I love artwork by Kim Hovell and most anything with a coastal flair!

How do you curate all your children’s toys?

Each child has a bin or two where I save favorite books, toys, outfits, baby spoons, etc.

Tell us about your children’s rooms and the inspiration behind them?

My son’s (Carter) passion is fishing so his room is painted Hale Navy Blue and decorated with fish, nautical accessories and nautical maps as well as his bathroom.

My middle daughter (Lizzie) is happy go lucky and fun so we decorated her room in bright vibrant colors. Her walls are a shade of turquoise (happens to also be one of my favorite colors you see throughout my home), yellow, pink and white. She has a really fun loft bed and several custom canvas paintings of a surfboard and a seahorse. She also has a super fun chair swing made out of rope hanging from the ceiling. Her room is run and alive!

My youngest Brooke is by far the happiest and funniest kid I have ever known. She is a tomboy and, in her words, “I am a Thomasboy”. Her room is super soft and sweet with a light shade of blue on the walls, pink seahorses and a white headboard monogramed and piped in pink. Not at all her personality because she likes everything boys like, but she is ok with it. ☺

What advice would you give other mothers who are hoping to start their own business?

Go for it! There will never be the perfect time. Set goals that are attainable and take small steps that you can handle. Never over promise and under deliver. Find a group of supportive women who also have started their own business. Don’t be afraid to ask other women who have done it for tips!

How do you balance work and family life? Do you have a productivity tricks you could share?

Balancing work and family life is THE HARDEST part of it all. I am not going to lie or sugar coat it, but it is HARD, and I struggle. If anyone out there has any tips, PLEASE let me know. lol

What are your thoughts on competition?

Community vs competition! When I went with my best designer friend to High Point, NC, the focus there was community vs. competition and we both fell in love with the slogan. We should support, help, empower and encourage others always!

Favorite travel destination?

Abaco Bahamas and Swan Lake Maine

Favorite local places to go/eat/play?

I live on the Magothy River so locally we love The Point and Deep Creek and usually take the boat when we can. We play mostly on the lacrosse field with my 3 kids!

Favorite family recipe you would like to share?

I have 2 and both are from my Grandmothers.

Georgia Biscuits made by Gram (Belfast, Maine)

Soften 1 package of yeast in 2 cups of water
Sift into bowl 5 cups of flour
1 teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons for sugar
Cut in 1 stick of butter
Add 2/3 cup of dry milk add yeast mixture
Roll out after a brief kneading and cut with biscuit cutter. Brush top with melted butter and place biscuits one on top of another on greased baking sheet. Let rise for one hour in warm place.
Bake 12-15 minutes at 450.

Pistachio Salad made by Susie Grammie (Oil City, Pennsylvania)

1 3oz package of instant pistachio pudding
1 16oz can fruit cocktail do not drain
1 cup marshmallows small ones
1 container of cool whip
1 can of Mandarin oranges drained
Mix pistachio pudding and fruit cocktail, then add marshmallows, cool whip and mandarin oranges
Top with walnuts if desired
Cover and put in the refrigerator for a least a couple of hours.

That Mom | Julie Antinucci | Master Quilter


"that mom" is a series of inspirational women who

share their thoughts on motherhood, style and grace.

by lee kriel


I was born in Glen Burnie and lived there until I was 9.  Then we moved to Arnold.  Woah! This was a traumatic experience for me!  Until that time, I truly thought there was one main road in life: Route 2.  It took us from Glen Burnie to Ocean City.  That was all there was in my world.  How funny is that!?  But the move made a huge difference in my life.  All of my siblings and I went to Severna Park High School, and I met my husband there.  I went to Shepherd College in West Virginia and earned two degrees: English and Sociology.  I also earned a Master’s degree from George Washington University

I’ve always been a very creative and artistic person. When I was little, crayons were the best thing anyone could get me.  I was always painting or drawing or sewing or making something. In seventh grade, art class was so easy for me that I also did all of my best friends assignments in class for her. The teacher thought we were both very talented. Lol!! We still laugh at that!

I do wish that one of my degrees was in design or art.  But I was never sure that it would be able to support myself with an art degree and I didn’t get much support from the art teacher in high school and my parents had no experience with what I could do with an art degree.  That is such a bummer!  Fortunately, creativity always followed me. As an English major I got to do a lot of creative writing.  I was always the editor of yearbooks or newspapers at school or at my job.  I did a lot of graphic design and still do.  Once I had my first child, I wanted to get back into that creative mode, so I asked my best friend’s mom to teach me how to quilt.  I took off from there!  I also did a lot of graphic design side work and worked on two books with my father-in-law.

I’ve always been a creative person, and quilting was just a creative outlet for a long time.  Being a stay-at-home mom was scary because I didn’t want to lose my identity.   I wanted to do something that meant something while taking care of the kids. Eventually I started making and selling baby quilts on Etsy.  As word got out, I started getting custom quilt orders and I realized, “Hey, these quilts really mean something to people, and the more thought I put into them, the more I became a part of something greater.”  

The first memorial quilts I made were for three kids who lost their father to cancer.  I used his clothing for the quilts, and I felt like this was so important to make them something that would help them grieve and recover from this loss.  Several years later, I lost my father-in-law to cancer and made a quilt for my mother-in-law using his clothing.  She uses that quilt every day, and when I see it, I feel he is near.  

Since then, several people have been approaching me about making quilts for them and then Judy Tacyn’s article in the Severna Park Voice came out about a quilt I made for a Severna Park resident who recently lost her husband. So, I made a conscious decision to open myself up to becoming this person for people. To make these quilts and to be this positive force in their lives when things seem very low.  It inspires me to keep sewing when I’m tired and to keep thinking of creative things to do with all of this clothing.  

So, a client can expect everything I have on each project.  I think about quilts all of the time.  I put thought into every one.  I know how important they are, and I take it very seriously.  

I have always been inspired by a challenge, in general. Whether that’s making a quilt, running everyday, or just trying to get the laundry done. A challenge I make to myself is what gets me going everyday. I make lists (and so does my husband). We get a lot of things done everyday and do many different things each day. We work well off of each other’s energy. I have a saying: “the more you do, the more you do.  The less you do, the less you do.”  It sounds simple, but basically means stay active. In all aspects of life. Mental and physical. 

Something people don’t know about me:
I published two books about Bristol, Rhode Island with my father-in-law.  One was about 15 years ago, just as I was having my first child.  The second was about 5 years ago, as he was battling cancer.  They are photography books with some history of the town.  I am very proud to have worked with him.  He was a real genius.  He had so much faith in me.  It really gave me a lot of confidence to do other things.   I designed the layouts and he took the photography. He did most of the research and I edited his writing. I still look at those books today and think, “Hey, those are pretty good!”  This is a perfect example of how challenging yourself to go a little outside of your comfort zone can really take you far. I had done a lot of similar stuff before this, but never a book. I was nervous about seeming like a rookie. But I learned so much and was so lucky to work with him. It is one of my proudest accomplishments. 

Another thing: I worked at a prison when I was in college as an intern. Hagerstown Maximum Security Prison. This was part of my Sociology degree. I loved that job. It was so interesting to be inside a world most people never get a glance at. I learned so much and gained a lot of perspective about the criminal justice system. If I were to go back into the workforce, I think it would be in some sort of capacity like I filled at the prison. 

Best Part of Being a Mom:
The best part of being a mom is the quiet moments when you look around at your kids and they are just all doing their own thing, but we are all together.  When I see them smiling and having a good time at whatever they’re doing, that makes me happy.  Or when we are eating around the dinner table. Everyone is getting along. We’re talking about our days. We aren’t rushing to the next thing. That’s the best kind of reward. 

Hardest Part
The hardest part of being a mom is the sheer energy it takes to get everything done and to try to carve a little bit of time out for yourself.  As a SAHM mom, I don’t get a paycheck or a quarterly review or a pat on the back from the boss.  That kind of life is not for everyone.  I work hard from the moment I get up to the moment I drop in bed.  It’s a job that comes without verbal “Thank you's.”  But you have to look deeper and believe in what you’re doing.

Typical day:
I spend two and a half hours getting the kids out the door for school.  That’s not just sitting there watching them eat their cereal.  That’s cleaning the kitchen, straightening up whatever I can so that when they leave I’m not stuck with a mess.  I usually clean after they leave for about an hour and a half.  I try to sew for at least two hours a day during the day, since I have deadlines for people all the time.   Lots of errands.  Lots of Coke Zero.  Depending on the schedule for the day, I cook dinner.  Help with homework.  Clean up some more mess.  Get them all to bed by 9:00 and then do whatever I didn’t get done during the day at night…pay bills, sew some more, get organized for an Annapolis Quilt Guild board meeting, laundry, laundry, more laundry, and maybe a bath, if I’m lucky. Sleep is important. I try to get at least six hours of sleep a night. 

I almost always wear jeans and a solid colored shirt or some sort of running-related t-shirt. Usually running shoes from fall to spring and flip flops from spring to summer.  I’m not fancy.  I don’t spend much time or money on clothes.  If I have a dress on, you know I’m way out of my comfort zone.  I haven’t worn a pair of high heels in about 16 years.  I used to dress up somewhat for work and then 9-11 happened. I was working full time and going to GW for my masters degree full time in dc. I stopped wearing dress shoes when I was riding the metro and wanted to be able to run from danger if I needed to.  Never took up the girly habit again!  

Beauty routine:
This is a funny concept to me.  I’ve always kept it simple.  I don’t wash my face at night or use some fancy cleanser.  I don’t dye my hair.  I rarely get it cut even.  I buy make up from the grocery store.  I do always wear mascara! My eyelashes are non-existent! I wear blush and powder to even out my red-head skin, but thats about it.  I hate lipstick.  I’ll wear chapstick if I remember. I do always, always, always wear a lotion with spf 15 everyday on my face. I hate nail polish.  Every once in a while my girls will polish my toenails.  But I find nail polish very distracting.  I can’t function with it on.  Truly. 

I started running on the cross country team in college when I was urged by my roommate to go out for the team.  I had never run before, but I still run because of that decision.  I’ve never been fast.  I like to compete with myself mostly.  I’m usually the middle of the pack, which makes me pretty happy.  Last year, I ran every day of the year.  It was a challenge I made with myself about a week before the new year.  I stuck with it. EVERY DAY. I really showed me that we can all make a half an hour for ourselves to get some exercise.  There is no excuse.  I ran through sickness, traveling, crazy busy days with the kids.  I ran outside every day.  Snow. Sleet. Heat. Hurricane.  Never missed a day.  This year I’m taking it a little easier, but running is my thing.  I also am not a huge snacker.  I love chocolate chip cookies, doughnuts and chocolate.  But if those aren’t around, I’m not going to eat chips or pretzels.  Just not worth it, usually.  I’ve also cut a lot of carbs this year.  When you do that, you realize how much sugar you are eating every day in the form of things you think are healthy — whole wheat bread, pasta, granola bars, etc.  It’s helped me lose 13 pounds since January.  And I’m not farting any young so I’ll take it!

Best advice:

  • Don’t sweat the small stuff, and everything is small stuff.

  • Let your kids explore. Without you sometimes, even when they’re young.

  • Everything is just a phase.

  • It will all work out the way it is supposed to.

  • Let them fail. You learn the most when you fail.

  • Don’t worry. He will talk when he’s ready. (Both Joey and Domenic were late talkers. Sara was too)

  • You can do anything. (My father-in law told me that one day about a month before he died).

Favorite toys/books:
I have always been a library geek.  There are a few books that i’ve read to all the kids, like, “My Big Shiny Sparkly First Words Book,” but we go to the library.  So, there aren’t specific ones we read over and over.  

They all have played really well, alone and together.  And I was never one to sit and play with them.  I liked to let them figure it out.  Joey and Domenic always have “guys” — like batman and superman figures— that they played with.  Molly and Sara had their dolls when they were younger and a lot of arts and craft stuff.  

Decorating philosophy:
I love color.  So the house has a lot of colors on the walls.  I also decorate with things that have meaning.  I don’t buy a lot of “chotzkies.”  If it’s in our house, it usually was made by someone, painted by someone, given to us by someone, etc.  And I hate clutter in the kitchen.  Sometimes it happens, but for the most part my counters are clean, other than when I’m cooking.  My husband has a huge say in the house design too. He is very good at that kind of thing, so we work off of each other in this area. 

Favorite room:
There is definitely a tie here.  My craft room and our family room are my favorite rooms.  I love the family room because that’s where we are all the time.  My kids don’t go to their rooms unless they are going to bed, for the most part—or if they’re in trouble. We hang out in the family room.  But the craft room is the only room in the house that is all mine!  My fabric and my sewing machines are there.  My big huge Mac! It’s where my creative chaos happens!

Designers that inspire:
Amy Butler was one of the first fabric designers I fell in love with 15 years ago.  She had a bright, cheery, modern style.  Since then there are so many quilt and fabric designers who have inspired me.  I am also inspired by the women in the Annapolis Quilt Guild and the 12 or so women who are in my bee.  We meet once a month at a different house, and have show and tell and sew and talk about ideas.  It’s one of the highlights of my month each month.  They are so inspirational.  They are all mostly older than me, since most quilters are not young and they are so incredibly supportive.  It’s really awesome to have that support system in an area that you love so much.

Favorite pieces of art/decor:
I love all of the elephants that I’ve collected throughout the years.  I love decorating with quilts and homemade things.  All of the stuff my husband makes is amazing.  He’s a wood worker, so he’s made a lot of the tables and frames in the house.  He’s also made most of the crown molding from scratch in the house.  He and I really collaborate on what our house looks like because he’s definitely into design too.  

Curate Toys:
So, we don’t keep too many toys in the family room.  We seem to rotate them down to the basement/dungeon, and when they get bored with the toys upstairs we rotate some of the ones from downstairs back upstairs.  They are all in bins.  In a perfect world, those bins and baskets and large Tupperware would be organized.  Most of the time they are all a mix of “guys,” legos, stuffed animals, train tracks, lost batteries, mc Donald’s happy meal toys and other junk.  I just paid the girls $5 each to organize it all!

My kids rooms are not fancy.  They are allowed to decorate themselves with things that have meaning to them.  I don’t like the idea of having a room that looks like it’s out of a Pottery Barn magazine.  They should be able to walk into their rooms and see things that make them happy. 

If you want to start your own business, don’t get caught up in what other people want it to be.  It can be as big or as small as you want it to be. If it’s something on the side and you don’t have much time, that’s ok.  

Never look at any relationship as “quid pro quo” or expect people to know what you want out of a relationship if you haven’t said it. No one but you is going to make you happy and never expect a favor to be returned. Just do things because you want to. This way you’ll never be disappointed by people. It’s not always easy to lol at things like that and I don’t claim to do it perfectly. 

I also work hard to let things go. Don’t hold a grudge. Holding grudges is like giving yourself poison and expecting the other person to die. Just forget about it and move on!

I try to quilt almost every day.  And if I’m done, I’m done. 

Productivity Tricks:
Everyone asks me how I get so much done with four kids.  Here’s my trick: 15 minutes.  If I can look at 15 minutes as an opportunity to get something done, I take it.  Sometimes I'm even able to string lots of 15 minutes together, and that is super nice!  But as a mom who has had at least one toddler at home for 15 years straight, 15 minutes is all I can hope for.  And I constantly think about where I am in different projects so when I do get a chance to sit down, I know just where I left off.  I don’t waste time backtracking.  Always move forward.  

And also you don’t have to play with your kids all the time.  It’s ok to leave them alone. That gives them a chance to grow their minds on their own.

I like to be the best I can be, but I’m not really competitive because I don’t know too many people who do what I do.  If I am friends with people who do what I do, I try to be supportive and tell them any tricks I have.  The favor is usually returned.  My best friend is a quilter.  Her mom taught me to quilt.  We are constantly sharing projects and bouncing ideas off of each other.  I would never compete with her.  She’d probably beat me up.  LOL!

Favorite Recipe

Oriental Salad

1 head Napa cabbage, finely shredded
2 bunches green onions (optional)

Saute in 3 tbsp of butter until golden brown:
1 package of broken up ramen noodles (the flavor packet is used in the dressing)
2 oz. sesame seeds
1/2 cup slivered almonds

Drain and cool on papertowel

Bring to a boil:
1/4 cup vinegar
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup vege oil
2 TBSP soy sauce
season pack from oriental flaver pack from ramen noodle package

I like to keep that boiling for a while, until it starts to look a little like it is bubbling up and forming a caramel consistency. That way it won't completely separate after it is cooled. Cool this completely -- in the fridge for at least an hour before serving is best.

Ready to EAT! Don't mix the crunchies and the dressing with the cabbage until you are ready to eat or it will get soggy. 

This serves about 8 people depending on the size of the cabbage and how much everyone loves this salad!

Favorite Travel Destination
Anywhere. I love to go to new places and see new things. But definitely the redwood forest is my favorite place I’ve ever been too. I’ve wanted to travel to Africa for as long as I can remember. I will get there some day and see the elephants!

Local places to play/eat/go
We love Mi Pueblo. I get Churri Pollo. Delicious!  And Pei Wei. My favorite meal anywhere is King Pao Shrimp from Pei Wei. I’ve had that for Mother’s Day two years in a row!