As our oldest approaches graduation, the next steps have been weighing heavily on us as to what is next for him, as it does for most parents when their child finishes high school. We have that in common, however when you have a child who learns differently, you have an added layer of worry.
Our decisions along the way have always been made with research, heart, gut and help from so many kind and supportive people who have walked this path. I don't speak much about this as it is personal and I want to respect his privacy, but I have found that by others sharing their experiences, it has helped us. And so it was time I began my research for this next phase. I have begun curating articles and ideas that breach this subject and I have found that there are some really amazing people out there doing some really amazing things for children who learn differently...If you know of more, I would love for you to share.
Here are few random things on the topic around the web that caught my eye for this Monday Musing...
Meet the Gutsy Dad That Started a Car Wash to Help His Son Find Purpose
If college acceptance was only about letters of recommendations, no one would turn him away.
Housing options help autistic adults find independence
We Need a Coffee Shop Like This One in Every Town
How a New Supreme Court Ruling Could Affect Special Education. Advocates for students with disabilities argue the decision could help millions of children.
And although he is not a rebel, I find this to be fascinating research regarding the individual students who perform differently in class.
And for someone who can't sit still or fidgets, these have been known to help focus (and now they seem to be all the rage).
I just finished this book about the gifts of imperfection and loved it.