Monday Musings | September 2017


Happy Labor Day...a few links, if you are bored...

We started Ozark on Netflix, but it has me filled with angst.  (I need a break from all of that in our current climate).  This documentary, filmed locally in Baltimore looks more appealing and I can't wait to see. 

Cooler weather has me excited about soup.  This chowder looks good.

"As my son’s limitations became clearer, I found it harder every year
to write a vision statement for his I.E.P. Then he showed us how."  Love.  

Hurricane Harvey.  Giving money here, their mission statement.  "...we meet human needs in His name without discrimination".

Flooding trapped workers at a Mexican bakery for two days. They spent it baking for Harvey victims.

I love these jeans and loafers.  Even better than that, they are at my favorite local boutique.  Ask for Wendy.

12 Things That Will Be Cheaper At Whole Foods Starting Now

Influenced by biases against urban education, parents are moving away from city schools and contributing to segregation in the process.

Listening to Like a Sinking Stone, Isaac Alexander.

New research shows one kind of teenage friendship is more likely to result in a happier, healthier adulthood.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.  Easy way to call your rep and have your voice heard.

After a hike in Maine last summer, I am ready to explore more on foot.  Walks of a Lifetime might serve as a good source.

How Kids’ Sports Became a $15 Billion Industry

This feed has me crying tears of laughter.

This skateboard video, about determination.





Family Photography | The Galbally Family | Avalon 2017

A glimpse into a weekend spent with family.  These kids love hard.  And I got to sit back and watch.

p.s.  If you would like to hire me to capture posed images, with everyone looking + smiling, I am not the photographer for you.  To be honest, I suck at that (as you can tell from this shoot).  But if you like blue tongues, sticky fingers, sand in your hair, tears, grass stains, mohawks, and lots of messy love...I am happy to help you document it.  If you would like the aforementioned, I do have some amazing referrals in my back pocket just for you and I am happy to share their wonderful talents. 

Bernard | Henry and Vera's New Baby Brother | 2017

I know many of you have heard me say this before, but there is something so sweet about capturing a baby in its infancy as they begin to fill out...the rolls and dimples that appear as quick as they disappear with age.  Such a sweet spot.  Details that I never want to forget.  Bernard was the perfect age and is adored by his siblings, Henry and Vera.  Just a reminder, don't forget the details when capturing your family...they might not seem important, but trust me, they will be distant memories until you look back on an image.
