that mom

that mom [courtney park-jamborsky]


"that mom" is a series of inspirational women who

share their thoughts on motherhood, style and grace.

by lee kriel


About a year ago, I received an email from Courtney Park-Jamborsky, a woman I knew from my hometown.  We went to high school together.  And she wanted to set up a session with me.  I was a little surprised as I had no idea she even knew that I existed back in our high school days.  I was her brother's year and she was an upper class woman with amazing style who I always admired from afar.  And here she was, writing me, to photograph her family.  I was flattered.  And nervous.  But she made me feel at ease from the minute we started corresponding.  

Courtney is a Restonian, one of the original families from our hometown, Reston, a planned community in Northern Virginia.  Her local loyalty is impressive and she makes the ever growing community still feel like a close knit one.  I loved hearing her stories about some fond landmarks to include Lake Anne Shopping Center and how she remembered my mom.  My heartstrings ached as I miss so much about that place and the people that shaped me.

Along with her busy life as a mom, Courtney is the Director for the Reston Interfaith/Laurel Learning Center Child Development Center.  LLC is a division of a social service agency that provides high quality child care for low to moderate income families.  Her family has always been active in our community and I am sure she excels in her position.  

Courtney's personal style is classically unique.  She mentioned her inspiration is borrowed from some of her favorite designers, Charles and Ray Eames, Enzo Mari and Marimekko.  Artists include Robert Rauschenberg, Roy Lictenstein, Claes Oldenburg, Alexander Calder and Lynn Whipple.  And a few of her favorite photographers are Annie Leibovitz, Bill Cunningham, Diane Arbus, Sally Mann, Dorothea Lange and Dyanna Delaney (her mom).  Note to self:  no pressure.

I knew I wanted to feature her in this series and thought you should get to know her too, along with her darling husband Danny, and her gorgeous daughters Ellie and Sailor.  Here are a few of her thoughts on being a mom.  

Thank you for your candidness Courtney.  xo

What is your beauty routine..."Kiehls and Bobbie Brown, Trish McEvoy make up and newly discovered Baby Lips, the orange tube."

What is your beauty routine...

"Kiehls and Bobbie Brown, Trish McEvoy make up and newly discovered Baby Lips, the orange tube."

List a few of your favorite things to do with the girls....  "My girls and I love to go to lunch and shopping.  I know it sounds shallow but we usually explore different places it is not just going to the mall.  My oldest daughter lov…

List a few of your favorite things to do with the girls....  

"My girls and I love to go to lunch and shopping.  I know it sounds shallow but we usually explore different places it is not just going to the mall.  My oldest daughter loves Georgetown and wishes we could go shopping in NYC every weekend.  That’s my girl.  We also love movie night at home."

List a few of the girls favorite things…."Ellie is 12 and in 7th grade. She loves her iPhone and iPad.  She just got her iPhone this past Christmas.  We have a phone plan together.  In the first month Ellie had 1782 text messages I ha…

List a few of the girls favorite things….

"Ellie is 12 and in 7th grade. She loves her iPhone and iPad.  She just got her iPhone this past Christmas.  We have a phone plan together.  In the first month Ellie had 1782 text messages I had 34.  Luckily the plan has unlimited texting. Sailor loves dolls.  She recently discovered a neighbor’s doll that looks like a real live infant.  It kind of creeps me out but Sailor loves it.  She is so maternal caring for the baby.  It is very sweet watching her interact with the baby doll.  She is so hoping for one for her birthday in February.  Sailor also has an electric Razor scooter that she rides to school.  She zips around with such ease and all the kids love running behind her up to the school."

What is your proudest moment as a mom..."When Danny suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury in 2010 from a motorcycle it was terrifying.  The first 10 days with his grim prognosis was almost unbearable.  My scariest time was at night.  For …

What is your proudest moment as a mom...

"When Danny suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury in 2010 from a motorcycle it was terrifying.  The first 10 days with his grim prognosis was almost unbearable.  My scariest time was at night.  For my own comfort I had both my girls sleep with me.  Each night Ellie would take my hand and hold it as she drifted off to sleep.  At first I thought she was holding my hand for her own comfort then I realized she was offering comfort to me." 

Hardest part of being a mom?"I never can stop worrying about my kids. "

Hardest part of being a mom?

"I never can stop worrying about my kids. "

Best advice you have been given as a mom..."Make time for myself...without feeling guilty"

Best advice you have been given as a mom...

"Make time for myself...without feeling guilty"

Share a favorite recipe...  "Danny does most of the cooking in our family but I can make a yummy tomato sandwich.  Trader Joes, county white bread, tiny, tiny bit of mayonnaise and a slice of a good ripe tomato, dash of salt and pepper…del…

Share a favorite recipe...  

"Danny does most of the cooking in our family but I can make a yummy tomato sandwich.  Trader Joes, county white bread, tiny, tiny bit of mayonnaise and a slice of a good ripe tomato, dash of salt and pepper…delicious."

When it came to decorating their rooms..."Ellie has recently redecorated her bedroom.  One wall has black and white wallpaper with different shaped frames.  She can color in the frames or place her own photos all over the wallpapered wall.…

When it came to decorating their rooms...

"Ellie has recently redecorated her bedroom.  One wall has black and white wallpaper with different shaped frames.  She can color in the frames or place her own photos all over the wallpapered wall.  It looks very cool.  She also has hanging on her wall the white onesie and white little cap with a duck that she wore home from the hospital when she was born.  Sailor just got a new bed that is bright yellow.  She loves it with all her stuffed animals.  While I was pregnant with Sailor I wore a black long sleeved t shirt that had due in February written across the front.  The shirt hangs on her wall by a simple wooden hanger."

How do you create balance between motherhood and career?  "Almost every day after my kids have gone to school and my husband, Danny has gone to work I love to be in my house for a ½ hour of solitude.  I love to look at magazines or even va…

How do you create balance between motherhood and career?  

"Almost every day after my kids have gone to school and my husband, Danny has gone to work I love to be in my house for a ½ hour of solitude.  I love to look at magazines or even vacuum.  Just those few minutes alone reinvigorates me before I go to work."

A few things that keep you sane...."Starbucks every morning. I alternate between a short, skim with whip mocha and a tall Awake tea.  I also love perusing European fashion and interior magazines."

A few things that keep you sane....

"Starbucks every morning. I alternate between a short, skim with whip mocha and a tall Awake tea.  I also love perusing European fashion and interior magazines."

Something you wish you could do better as a mom...  "I always wish I was more crafty and had the patience to play board games with my kids."

Something you wish you could do better as a mom...  

"I always wish I was more crafty and had the patience to play board games with my kids."

 What is your exercise routine..."Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I do my best to get to the YMCA for the 6:00am X training.  After the hour workout I feel on top of the world.  I try to remind myself of the after workout feeling when…

 What is your exercise routine...

"Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I do my best to get to the YMCA for the 6:00am X training.  After the hour workout I feel on top of the world.  I try to remind myself of the after workout feeling when my alarms goes off at 5:15am."

What is your favorite part of the day..."I love walking Sailor to school every morning.  I feel lucky to live in a community that allows us to walk to school.  Also,  after a busy day I love to come home to my family.  I love hea…

What is your favorite part of the day...

"I love walking Sailor to school every morning.  I feel lucky to live in a community that allows us to walk to school.  Also,  after a busy day I love to come home to my family.  I love hearing about everyone’s day during dinner and I love peeking in on my girls after they have gone to sleep.  Their faces look just as they did when they were sleeping as babies."

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Date night?  "I love dining in DC with Danny.  Before his accident we use to climb Rag Mountain then run down the fire lane back to the car.  It was so much fun."

Date night?  

"I love dining in DC with Danny.  Before his accident we use to climb Rag Mountain then run down the fire lane back to the car.  It was so much fun."

What is your most humbling moment as a mother.... "I always feel my kids are an extension of me, like an appendage.  I also realize as they have grown that they are also their own person and I wrestle with them growing up and not needing m…

What is your most humbling moment as a mother.... 

"I always feel my kids are an extension of me, like an appendage.  I also realize as they have grown that they are also their own person and I wrestle with them growing up and not needing me as much."